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Counterfeit Commentary
This is a time when we must be able to decipher the lies we hear and the Living Word we know. In the Bible, we are instructed not to add...
Majestic and Stately
If you want to go deeper with God, it requires something from us. Check out the sermon from yesterday's service to find out more....
Behold, Image Bearer
When you hold up a mirror, what do you see? Do you see yourself, or do you see Jesus?
Saint or Sinner?
Today I encourage you to not see yourself as a "just a sinner", but you know you are also a saint! Do you want more material like this?...
We Are Citizens
We are not strangers, we are not foreigners, we are God’s chosen people! Joyfully His, Carolyn
5 Ways to Have a Teachable Spirit
Here are 5 simple ways to cultivate a teachable spirit. Scripture references: Proverbs 13:1-4; 15-18 Joyfully His, Carolyn
Embrace Your Mission
Remember, love is a universal language and you might be the only “Jesus” someone encounters today.
Made to Complement, Not Compete
We are created to complement one another, not to compete with one another.
The Coming King
Last October, my husband and I drove up to Kerrville, Texas to visit The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden. This holy ground is where...
Taste & See
The enemy wants us to stop gathering for fellowship and making disciples. So, what can we do to make sure he does not weasel his way into...
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