Today was my first day back at running after a long hiatus. I was not looking forward to this run but I personally invited God to come running with me anyhow.
I intentionally left my ear buds at home and left the music off and at the top of Centennial Gardens, God said to me, "Find Joy in the Journey."
I wiped my sweat and giggled because October is probably the second most packed full month of birthdays, anniversaries, seasonal weddings and events and all around adventures!
He also knew the Our Fellowship Bible Study girls would be reading the Book of Philippians this month and stepping out of the box a little bit as well.
With eagerness, I decided to write for 31 days about Finding Joy in the Journey. This is a HUGE commitment but I want to strive for excellence, step out of my comfort zone and challenge my boundaries. Writing every day will be a phenomenal way to kick start a new way of thinking and what better way to do it with by finding joy, every day?
I will be tag teaming with and Rachel Hollis' Last 90 Days for an exceptional and radical transformation for a wrap up of 2018.
I welcome you on this journey as well! Feel free to Subscribe for updates and follow me on Instagram at lifeofcarolynmarie.