Hello all!
Last week I mentioned I had another reason for going Waco but in case you missed it, you can catch up on some of the details HERE.
So, did you guess it correctly?
That's right, your gal pal went from being a Houston Cougar to a Baylor Bear!
Even though it was not planned when I first decided to surprise Dan, as usual, God had some things lined up before we ever placed foot on campus.

The week before our mini vacation, I decided to apply for the a Graduate program at Baylor University. Other than submitting my application, we had no idea what was in store for the few weeks to come.
It has been some time since I graduated from U of H, so I'll be honest in saying, I definitely had a few butterflies flying around in my belly.
But, on a leap of faith, Daniel told me to jump in front of my future school colors and SMILE!
So I did!

And you know what? It felt good. It felt as if I was finally moving forward in the direction of not what I wanted but what God wants.
After three grueling weeks of constant checking on my application status, today I am happy to announce I am officially a Baylor Bear.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, let me tell you a little about George W. Truett Theological Seminary.
Surprisingly, Houston has an extension which is conveniently located downstairs at Tallowood Church, where my new position is located. IMAGINE THAT!
This seminary has two phenomenal Houston programs and as of now, I am registered to begin in the fall for the M.A.C.M Master of Arts of Christian Ministry program. It is a two-year, full-time program, but as you al may know, I will probably need a little more time to complete the program.
I'm sure Daniel and I will be visiting Waco on a more regular basis because they offer accelerated week courses as well as their normal summer classes so WACO, HERE WE COME! For the weekends anyway.
Once I find out more information, I'll be sure to update you but I wanted to say --
for always praying for our us. My husband and I are growing deeper in what God has in store for us and we know this isn't our ministry but His! We are continuing to glorify the Kingdom and having a blast every step of the way.
Thank you all again for the kind words, congratulatory texts and most of all prayers while we walk out this new adventure.
Until next time,